Aei4eiA ObSeRvETM
(Business Humour Over a Cup Of Our Maya of Australia® Premium Indian Tea)
Who we are and what we ObSeRvE?
Hi, we are 'Guide' & 'Guard'. We are REAL. We love to ObSeRvE 'people' in the workplace and society. We present our black and white, binocular views in our own ways. As our name goes, we might help you to guide actions & guard your interest- two pillars essential for the sustainability of organisations and society at large.
Laugh with us or be annoyed with us but you can't ignore us!
Be honest with us and share your feedback with us. Pat us at with a tagline- G&G and we will sniff it.
Do you wish to know our story? Well, in short, we are inspired by what Lord Byron said,
"I'll publish, right or wrong, Fools are my theme, Let satire be my song".
More Soon!