Aei4eiA Research

The popular quote by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Scientist/Nobel laureate in medicine) goes, “Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought”.

Aei4eiA's research on Socio-economic areas including Manpower & Labour Market| HR & Business helps to bring to the fore industry specific best practices and insights, prompts intellectuals, business leaders, change makers and curious minds to think& act.

Our research and publications are well recognized and are endorsed by global experts from industry and academia.


The first Publication of Aei4eiA's Research Snippets-Experts Forum was done in the year 2016. So far, we have published 85 articles, over 26 experts from academia and Industry from 7 countries shared their views. Based on our research 2 books, over 10 in-depth research, over a dozen article contributed to business magazines in India, Malaysia, Singapore and the UK.

Here is the list of a few selected articles based on our in-house research-

# Enigmatically Engineered: A humanly look at the blueprint of social engineering impacting social fabric and economic resilience [2024]

#Majority Matters: Are we talking about People Power or Powerful People [2024]

#When Bosses Rule And Leaders Subside: A Quick View Of Global Economy And Its Repercussion On Human Lives And Sustainable Development [2023]

#NamasteMate: Australia-India Relations In A Renewed Light, Lessons Learnt And Way Forward [2023]

# The Geo-political Influence And The Ever-Evolving Ethical Dilemmas In The Changing Business Environment [2022]

# Focus on Integrity & Fair Practices: The Need Of The Hour To Combat Recession & Promote Sustainable Development [2022]

# Vested or Invested: Immigration And Labour Market Dynamics In The Post-COVID World [2022] 

# Skilled Migration From India To Australia: Historically Speaking [2021] 

# Skills Development- A Quick Look Through The Lens Of Ray [2021]

# Can we talk about sustainable development in the era of gig economy? [2021]

# Chaos is no evil or is it a tangled web? [2021]

# The Undying Spirit- Can We Not Make A Better World Together? [2020]

# Interactive & One World: But, Are We Integrated For Good?   [2020]

# Civilisation Not To Be Lost: Shall We Not Reset The Moral Compass As We Enter 2020? [2019]

# Humans and machines-Dichotomy or Synergy [2019]

# The Big Brand Story [2019]

# Humans, Humans Everywhere- Have We Progressed Fair & Square [2019]

# A quick look at the Aus-India trade cooperation: voices, lessons & bridges to bolster [2018]

# The Business Resiliency Riddle [2018]

# Goodness Is Global: Let’s Talk Business [2018]

# Business Without Complexities- Can the ocean be without the waves? [2017]

# From the land of Howrah bridge to the land of Harbour bridge: A first-hand experience of establishing tea trade relations [2017]

# From an adventure film, a suspense thriller to a sci-fi movie: Business risks in this inter-connected world [2017]

# Who Took The Cookie From The Cookie Jar: Significance Of Data Protection In Labour Market Stability [2016].

Experts' Speak [Selected Few From the Past publications]

Challenges for Global Economic Growth by (Late) Prof. Raghbendra Jha, Former Emeritus Professor of Economics, Australian National University

Choose Hope over Cynicism by Dr. (Col.) Rajeev Kumar, ABC, IABC Fellow

[Links to the articles will appear soon]!