Leveraging 'People' Power of Sustainability
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Prof. Ulrich says, ".....I recommend this book to political leaders who are charged with regulatory policies to build country sustainability, to business leaders who will see the connection between sustainability investments and investor confidence, to HR professionals who build organization infrastructure to sustain success, and to organization scholars who seek to understand and study how organizations evolve and respond to modern settings.....".
Mr. Borwankarpraises the work by saying, "When Jayantee asked me to write the foreword to this book, I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. Succeed or Sink is a unique book and holds the precise nerve of corporate sector and provides a readymade guide of benchmark practices to be followed by corporate sectors during downturn".
Mr. Chaudhari says, "The book comes at an opportune time. The world is just shaking off the effects of one of the most devastating financial crisis in living memory. Companies that were decades old have vanished in the wink of an eye. Ms. Saha and her team has put together a truly integrated approach to the question of business sustainability and its challenges. The mantra of the new decade will surely be 'SOS' (Succeed or Sink)".
Dr. Shaun Ridley's(Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Management, Western Australia) review of the book published in Curtin University of Technology, Australia-journal says,"...The authors have compiled a diverse range of case studies from 50 organisations of varying sizes, origins and industries. This rich collection adds credibility to the work and offers a connection for the reader who can identify their own organisation in a number of the cases. The blending of the case studies with details of the research methodology makes the work part research paper and part business book. However, it is written in a very readable style and follows the author’s journey from research to practical application to models of implementation with ease.....". [More]
Aimed at business strategists, policy makers, researchers and adult learners, this is a unique book which not only captured how organisations big and small responded to the 2008 global financial crisis but also demonstrated how businesses and HR leaders should streamline their strategies, policies and processes to remain sustainable in future.
Endorsed by Management Guru Prof. Dave Ulrich, Mr. Sanjay Chaudhuri, Global Business Director, Ogilvy & Mather Singapore and Mr. S.B Borwankar, Sr. Vice President (Manufacturing operations), Tata Motors, India, this book is an effort to help businesses and HR leaders transform the corporate cry (Save Our Souls) to the success mantra- Succeed Or Sink (SOS)!
The World Financial Review, London reviewed the book as "an insightful exploration into business encapsulating people, prosperity and sustainability... and a work highly valuable for all policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, sociologists, business strategic managers and leaders, who would benefit from the insights and integrated approach....". web presence of the renowned United Nations' Global Compact International Yearbook) listed the book as one of the resources to help organisations build their capability in areas of corporate social responsibility and business sustainability.
The book co-authored by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director and Principal Consultant, Aei4eiA was nominated for 'The International Convention of Asia Scholar' (ICAS) 2013 book prize.
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ISBN-10: 0857091662
ISBN-13: 978-0857091666
Publisher: Elsevier, Oxford, UK
Available at : Elsevier store | Amazon | ebay | Walmart and more...
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