Jul-Aug 2020

​​​​Theme: Getting Back From The Slumber- Our Roles And Goals


Key Highlights:Adversely, though, the current COVID-19 crisis has established that we are truly living in 'One World'. The geographical boundaries are blurred and we are all in this current situation together. We talk about 'The New (Ab)Normal?', hear creative industry leader share his experiences and insights from Sri Lanka and ponder upon the fallacies of favouritism at workplace
We recognise that in the past, the human race has been through many crises of similar (or higher) scale and impact. Crisis is often an opportunity to ponder upon what went wrong and what needs to be 'reset'. The show- it must go on! A call of 'The Undying Spirit- Can We Not Make A Better World Together?' 

The New (Ab)Normal? by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia

Getting Back From The Slumber: Experiences From Sri Lanka By Mr. Sanjay Chaudhari Chief Executive Officer, Publicis Groupe, Sri Lanka

Dealing With Favouritism In The Workplace by  Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director, AIMIT, Bengaluru, India​    

The Undying Spirit- Can We Not Make A Better World Together? by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

​​Aei4eiA's Research Snippets: Experts Forum

Snippets on Manpower & Labour Market, HR & Business matters based on Aei4eiA’s research work and experts' opinion.

​Now-a-days, we often hear the following- a) the global socio-economic landscape is changing fast- much faster than anyone would have comprehended even half a decade ago; b) Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity-VUCA, is the new normal and c) the Asia-pacific-region is the new global growth engine and is playing a significant role in establishing the new world order. 

New issues and challenges are emerging that the business leaders, policy makers and others in the field were unfamiliar with in the past. Global bodies, strategists and change-makers are ever exploring ways to manage the dynamism while stabilising the present and securing the future.

In the given context, it has become a necessity for intellectuals and experts to come together and initiate a discussion to address the pressing challenges and pertinent issues that are impacting the 
Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business. Experts Forum is Aei4eiA's initiative - a confluence of experts from academia and industry to regularly (quarterly) discuss, share views, think and act on above matters through short and succinct snippets.

Aimed at strategists, policy makers, scholars, academicians, HR and business leaders, the
 key objectives of this forum are-
a) To initiate discussions on issues and challenges facing the region (with a focus on Australia, India, Singapore (AIS) and broadly global matters impacting the APAC region).

 b) To generate a repository of expert views/knowledge on matters related to Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business and 

c) To collaboratively contribute towards sustainable development.​


Leveraging 'People' Power of Sustainability

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Feb-Mar 2020

​​​​Theme: Interactive & One World: But, Are We Integrated For Good?


Key Highlights:Let us take a quick look at the situation today. Why are we so integrated? The technological advancements, increasing flow of people, goods and capital across the geographical borders are some of the key factors for such a wide-spread interaction across boundaries and the proliferation of the one-world phenomenon. But are we integrated for good? Let's discover more.

Prosperity, equality and inclusion or poverty, inequity and isolation? The choice is ours! by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia

Stay Atop Your Finances: Good Credit Score Not Enough By Mr. Pranay Kumar, CEO, State Bank of India (SBI), Australia  

B-Schools- Our Roles, Our Goals In This Globalized Worldby  Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director, AIMIT, Bengaluru, India​    

Interactive & One World: But, Are We Integrated For Good? by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia