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May 2019 

Theme: The essence of brands


Key Highlights: In this issue, read global brand expert Mr. Sanjay Chaudhuri (Singapore) explaining 'Brand essence'. Having been part of the world of Brand Communication for more than 27 years across a varied portfolio of Brands from multiple Fortune 500 companies  such as Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, Colgate Palmolive, Coca-Cola, American Express and Philips, he narrates his own experience of how a set of words can have magical effect on consumers. Contrastingly, eminent academician Dr. Alan Nankervis (Australia) sheds light on the 'Rhetoric And Realities In Corporate & HR Branding', explaining the consequence of discrepancies between the marketing rhetoric and workplace realities; On the other hand, Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director of a leading B-School in India​ discuss 'Brand Promise: Key To Brand Building'. Finally, and a quick wrap up by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA (Australia)-'The Big Brand Story'....​

Brand Essence by Mr. Sanjay Chaudhari,Global Brand Expert,Singapore   

A Great Place To Work’, Or Is It? – Rhetoric And Realities In Corporate & HR branding by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia    

#Brand Promise: Key To Brand Building by Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director, AIMIT, Bengaluru, India

# The Big Brand Story by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

September 2018

Theme: Strategic International Cooperation for Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Voices, Lessons & Bridges to bolster


# Defence cooperation under the garb of military diplomacy to improve strategic cooperation between India and Australia
    Sqn Ldr Priyanka Shadangi (Retd), Indian Airforce, India

 # Simplification of Banking Business at State Bank of India, Sydney Branch

    Mr. Pranay Kumar, CEO, State Bank of India (SBI) Sydney, Australia

NITI Aayog in India: Emerging from the Shadow

    Mr. Vivek Rai, Quality Council of India, India

​# A quick look at the Aus-India trade cooperation: voices, lessons & bridges to bolster

   Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

February 2019 

Theme: A quick look back to 2018 & Views & Insights for 2019


​Key Highlights: In this issue, read eminent academician Dr. Alan Nankervis explain 'Key Management Challenges & Opportunities – Towards 2020'; Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director of a leading B-School in India​ discuss 'B-Schools- Our Roles, Our Goals In This Globalized World'; revisit 'Defence cooperation and military diplomacy to improve strategic cooperation between India and Australia' written by Sqn Ldr Priyanka Shadangi (Retd.), Indian Airforce,who was also one of the few female professional formation skydivers and a quick wrap up by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia, 'Humans, Humans Everywhere- Have We Progressed Fair & Square' ....​

 # Key Management Challenges & Opportunities – Towards 2020 by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of 
    Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia    

# Defence Cooperation Under The Garb Of Military Diplomacy To Improve Strategic Cooperation Between India & Australia by Sqn Ldr Priyanka Shadangi (Retd), Indian Airforce, India 

# B-Schools- Our Roles, Our Goals In This Globalized World by Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director, AIMIT, Bengaluru, India

# Humans, Humans Everywhere- Have We Progressed Fair & Square by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

August 2019
​​​​Theme: Humans & Machines


Key Highlights:Today, in every corner of the professional world, we debate on the dissonance  or consonance of 'human and machine' interaction. Hence, in this issue, we hear more about it from experts in the related fields.  

Whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems take away human jobs or create new work opportunities, the situation is upon us. Read Mr. Ashis Dutta, Process and User Interface (UI) expert and Software Entrepreneur (India) share 'Designing Experience for a Machine-Driven World;' While eminent academician Dr. Alan Nankervis (Australia) reveal many interesting facts based on the findings of his recent study on Asia- Pacific Manager's '.....Coming…Ready or Not? '
The excitement of looking into a digital mirror is no less than looking into a magic mirror. Contain your excitement by reading 'Innovating Smart Mirrors For New Shopping Experience'  by Mr. Chandan Panda, Founder and Director of innovative Smart Tech company-ShopExp (Australia), who is bringing the first of-its-kind, artificial intelligence driven retail shopping experience.

Finally, a quick wrap-up by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia on 'Humans and machines-Dichotomy or Synergy'

Designing Experience for a Machine-Driven World by Dr. Ashis Dutta, Process and UI expert, Software Entrepreneur, Bangalore, India

Coming…Ready or Not? by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia    

# Innovating Smart Mirrors For New Shopping Experience by Founder and Director of innovative Smart Tech company-ShopExp, Melbourne, Australia

# Humans and machines-Dichotomy or Synergy by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

December 2019
​​​​Theme: Lessons Learnt 2019 & Welcome 2020


Key Highlights:Finally, we are in the last month of the year. As we enter a new decade (2020), it is time for a re-assessment of what went right and what could have been better. Thus, keeping it simple, this issue is about "Lessons learnt 2019 & Welcome 2020". We have mixture of emotions and bouquet of fact-based and philosophical articles from experts. Just apt to read during this time of the year. Cheers to a brighter and fulfilling 2020!

Bygone 2019 & Welcome 2020- Philosophically Speaking by  Dr. Anitha Ramachander, Professor and Director, AIMIT, Bengaluru, India​

Disturbing Developments in 2019 & some Lessons for 2020 by Dr. Alan Nankervis, Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia    

# Lessons learnt 2019 and Welcome 2020 by Dr. Harish Pant, Managing Director, Hampson Industries Private Limited, Bangalore, India 

Civilisation Not To Be Lost: Shall We Not Reset The Moral Compass As We Enter 2020? by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA , Australia

Aei4eiA's Research Snippets: Experts Forum

Snippets on Manpower & Labour Market, HR & Business matters based on Aei4eiA’s research work and experts' opinion.

​Now-a-days, we often hear the following- a) the global socio-economic landscape is changing fast- much faster than anyone would have comprehended even half a decade ago; b) Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity-VUCA, is the new normal and c) the Asia-pacific-region is the new global growth engine and is playing a significant role in establishing the new world order. 

New issues and challenges are emerging that the business leaders, policy makers and others in the field were unfamiliar with in the past. Global bodies, strategists and change-makers are ever exploring ways to manage the dynamism while stabilising the present and securing the future.

In the given context, it has become a necessity for intellectuals and experts to come together and initiate a discussion to address the pressing challenges and pertinent issues that are impacting the 
Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business. Experts Forum is Aei4eiA's initiative - a confluence of experts from academia and industry to regularly (quarterly) discuss, share views, think and act on above matters through short and succinct snippets.

Aimed at strategists, policy makers, scholars, academicians, HR and business leaders, the
 key objectives of this forum are-
a) To initiate discussions on issues and challenges facing the region (with a focus on Australia, India, Singapore (AIS) and broadly global matters impacting the APAC region).

 b) To generate a repository of expert views/knowledge on matters related to Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business and 

c) To collaboratively contribute towards sustainable development.​