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# Humans, Humans Everywhere- Have We Progressed Fair & Square (2019)
# Aei4eiA's Research Snippets- Experts Forum (2019)
# Aei4eiA's Research Snippets- Experts Forum (2018)
# Sampoorna: The Brown Beauties of NSW Revisited (2018)
# Goodness Is Global: Let’s Talk Business (2018)
# Business Without Complexities- Can the ocean be without the waves? (2018)
# From the land of Howrah bridge to the land of Harbour bridge: A first-hand experience of establishing tea trade relations (2018)
# From an adventure film, a suspense thriller to a sci-fi movie: Business risks in this inter-connected world (2018)
#Role Of HR Amid Rising Global Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos And Ambiguity (VUCA)-Can Thoughts Become Things? (2018)
# Business Sustainability: The key theme worthy to be revisited in times good or bad (2018)
# Nature & Natural: The Aristocratic Art of Kangra &the Himalayan Biodiversity[Coming Soon]
# Experience The First Flush @ Darjeeling: Appreciating The Nature/Nurture Bond [Mar 2017] [Aei4eiA, Sydney, 2017].
# Dots 2 Art: Exploring Indian Madhubani art from the backyard of Australian Dot painting[Sep/Oct 2016] [Aei4eiA, Sydney, 2016].
# Aei4eiA's Research Snippets: Experts Forum[July 2016]
# Who Took The Cookie From The Cookie Jar: Significance Of Data Protection In Labour Market Stability [Aei4eiA's Research Snippets- May 2016]
# Labour Market Conundrums: A Quick Look [Aei4eiA's Research Snippets- Jan 2016]
# The Changing Role Of The Human Resource Profession In The Asia Pacific Region [Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2015]
# Succeed Or Sink: Business Sustainability Under Globalisation [Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2011]
# HR Transmutation In Today's Connected And Globalised World [Coming Soon]
# Shades of Banyan trees: Elderly Indians in Australia[Asia Times Sydney, 2015]
#When ships sailed and trade swelled bringing Australia and India together [Asia Times Sydney, 2015]
# Merrh-ma~Samanvaya: Socio-Economic Impacts of Indian Migration to Australia [Aei4eiA, Sydney, 2015]
# The Bugle Calls, the Great War and Chords of the Colonial Cousins [Asia Times Sydney, 2015]
# The Brown Beauties: Balancing Indian ancestry with Australian citizenry [Asia Times Sydney, 2015]
# The Brown Beauties of NSW: Indian Women in Australia Series, Issue 1[Aei4eiA, Sydney, 2014].
# Indian Diaspora Down Under: A Socio-economic perspective [, 2014]
# Experience Australia: Reflections from the Indian Community [Aei4eiA, Sydney, 2014].
# Karma matters: Business Sustainability is beyond just lasting![The World Financial Review, London, 2013].
# Are We On the Same Page?: The strategic significance of communication
# Care - Connect - Co-create : A message from 900 A.D?
# New More Footprints For Less Footprints
#To the Crab's delight: productivity demystified
# Talent Strategies to avoid Talent Tragedies # Being a game-changer
[HR Matters, Malaysia, 2012-2013]
# CART of Delegation
# Going Gaga Over Generation Y
# ACE of Intrapreneurship
# PROACT to Sustain: The new business leadership mantra
[Perfect Professional, India, 2012-2014].
# Women in Leadership
# Integration of Expatriates into our community: in the company and beyond [SHRI Singapore, 2011].
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