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Snippets on Business & Economy Manpower & Labour Market, matters based on Aei4eiA’s research work and experts' opinion.
Now-a-days, we often hear the following- a) the global socio-economic landscape is changing fast- much faster than anyone would have comprehended even half a decade ago; b) Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity-VUCA, is the new normal and c) the Indo-pacific-region is the new global growth engine and is playing a significant role in establishing the new world order.
On a regular basis, new issues and challenges are emerging that the business leaders, policy makers and others in the field were unfamiliar with in the past. Global bodies, strategists and change-makers are ever exploring ways to manage the dynamism while stabilising the present and securing the future.
In the given context, it has become a necessity for intellectuals and experts to come together and initiate a discussion to address the pressing challenges and pertinent issues that are impacting the Manpower & Labour Market | Business & Economy. Experts Forum is Aei4eiA's initiative - a confluence of experts from academia and industry to regularly discuss, share views, think and act on above matters through short and succinct snippets.
Aimed at strategists, policy makers, scholars, academicians, HR and business leaders, the key objectives of this forum are-
a) To initiate discussions on issues and challenges facing the region (with a focus on Australia, India, Singapore (AIS) and broadly global matters impacting the APAC region).
b) To generate a repository of expert views/knowledge on matters related to Manpower & Labour Market | Business & Economy and
c) To collaboratively contribute towards sustainable development.
End-Of-The-Year Issue Dec 2024
Theme: Noise and Void: Is social engineering testing social fabric and economic resilience
Key Highlights: In this end-of-year issue of Aei4eiA's research snippets, we take a closer look at the world around us and its micro unit- human. Renowned sociologist Blumer notes, "human society consists of acting units and acting people, and all activity in society springs from such acting units".
Businesses and society at the large scale are formed by such micro-units of this ecosystem. Hence, the characteristics, quality of this individual unit that is 'human' plays a significant role here. What if this unit is socially engineered and controlled by a few mighty and everything around is steered for their vested interest.
Today, many experts believe that humans as a species have progressed a lot as compared to its predecessors. We have advanced science and technologies to support our needs. We have been able to communicate far and wide and travel faster across the globe. Yet, large scale poverty, diminishing global peace, poor economic conditions and significant rise in educated poor across the world have raised concerns.
Business and societal norms are developed and agreed upon by human units and the shape and direction of the society changes based on the same. In the current situation, how is the modern-day social engineering or the use of planned measures that affect people's social or economic position, coming to play. Is this social engineering geo-political or controlled by highly organised vested interest groups. One thing is clear that globally, the current report card of human progress and sustainable development is not looking good-there are noises and voids. Should we not be alarmed and active? Can we come out of this web? If so, how?
Read thought provoking articles by noted expert Dr. (Col.) Rajeev Kumar, ABC, IABC Fellow, "Choose Hope over Cynicism"; an insightful piece [repost] titled "Challenges for Global Economic Growth" written by (Late) Prof. Raghbendra Jha, Former Emeritus Professor of Economics, Australian National University and an analytical overview by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA titled, "Enigmatically Engineered: A humanly look at the blueprint of social engineering impacting social fabric and economic resilience".
Jan- Mar 2024
Theme: Majority Matters: Outlook for the year
Key Highlights: The year 2024 is a very crucial one when many of the major economies of the world making up over 60% of the world's economic output and more than half of its population hold elections this year (Reuters, 2024). The world's markets are expected to undergo major swings with each possibility of a shift of power or continuation of the existing ones. Who decides these outcomes- is it the majority or the factors impacting the minorities; the fundamental issues of food, clothing or shelter affecting the majority or the handful of influential players? Will the majority matter and the matters of the majority be the call of the day? What these geopolitical, socio-economic waves will mean for the local businesses and how it will impact their day-to-day activities?
We discuss and analyse 'Majority Matters: Outlook for the year 2024', in the above context. In this first issue of the year, we have a very interesting mix of fine pieces. Read thought provoking articles by noted experts Dr. (Col.) Rajeev Kumar, ABC, IABC Fellow on "The Issue Of Election Funding In India"; "Thriving Together: The Resilient Ku-ring-gai Business Community in Sydney's Upper North Shore" by Ms. Adrienne McLean, President, Ku-Ring-Gai Chamber Of Commerce and an analytical view by Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha, Director, Aei4eiA titled "Majority Matters: Are we talking about People Power or Powerful People"...
Over to you!
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